Saturday, February 4, 2012

Welcome to our class blog!  We have the most amazing class of Kindergartners and we are so excited to show off all of the exciting things that are going on in our classroom!  Creating a blog is a brand new experience for me as well, so please bear with us as we learn to overcome the 'techincal difficulties' :)

That being said, I have a question for parents:  What are the features/information that you are hoping will be included on this blog?  Do you have any suggetions that will help make this a more beneficial experience for you and your child?  I would love to know what your thoughts are.


  1. Would love to see pictures :) Perhaps tips or topics they are working on in class so we can explore at home/outings.

  2. Thank-you for being the first to comment! I love your suggestions! Pictures are definitely on the way and I'm also working on a 'Going Deeper' page. This page will have activities that we are doing in class for each month. There will also be Language Arts and Math pages where I am going to post videos showing how I would teach certain skills and what strategies I would use for re-teaching a concept that a student is having difficulty learning. Once I have those pages up and running, feel free to ask questions about a certain skill and I will try to make a video to show how I would target the specific task.

  3. Mrs. Cortez,

    Congrats on your blog and all your :
    And Hard work & time ...
    put into the blog !!
    We ♥ Seeing the class and all the exciting
    upcoming events and learning tools you are utilizing to keep these kids charged in 2012'!!
    ♥' :) Kris & Joe ( Seth's Parents)

  4. Thank-you for all of your sweet comments! We are so excited too! I know the students loving seeing their work on the 'computer'!
