Do you own an i-touch, smartphone, or i-pad? If so, the following apps are noteworthy learning resources that will help reinforce skills that your children are learning in class at home. In general, the rule of thumb for any great educational app is that the child is able to use it independently and the program provides quality feedback for the child (whether they did or did not get the answer correct and, even better, why). Believe it or not, our Kindergartners are already quite tech-savvy and are proficient in using an array of technology that we have in our classroom. In fact, since the beginning of this schoolyear they have been busy maneuvering their way around the majority of the apps llisted below. We are proud that Spring Branch believes in providing our students with the tools necessary to become a 21st century learner!
The following apps are great for letter formation, letter and sound recognition, and matching upper and lower case letters:
My ABC Lite (by Play Smart-Kids)
The following apps are appropriate for learning sight words and building words:

These apps can be used for developing literacy awareness and allow children to listen to stories, discuss story elements, track print, and apply thier decoding skills:
The following apps are useful for reinforcing math skills:
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