Friday, May 31, 2013

It's a tie!

Congratulations to Gigi and Nevaeh for both correctly estimating the number of May flowers we had in May's estimation jar!  What a 'sweet' job :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Day with JA

Our class was fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Junior Achievement again this year, and we were especially honored to welcome Mrs. Kelley, an engineer from Emerson, to spend the day in our classroom.  She taught us about the value of different coins, the many ways we can earn and save money, and even left us with our own banks to get started in managing our finances!  We were particularly intrigued to hear that she had worked for NASA and had helped design the International Space Station.  She told us all about how the astronauts prepare to travel in outer space and about the giant training pool they use!  The class also got to hear about the exciting educational exhibits at Space Center Houston too, and I think many of the students are already trying to convince their parents to include NASA in their summer plans.  Mrs. Kelley took the time to thoroughly answer each student's questions (and we had plenty!) and helped us to see how what we've been learning in Math and Social Studies the last few months connects to the real, everyday world.  We hope to see Mrs. Kelley back again next year, and are so thankful for her volunteering her time to be with us.  

*To read more about the Junior Achievement initiative, please visit our May page.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Field Day Fun

We just wrapped up a fantastic Field Day!  The students played in teams and rotated among a variety of different stations.

They tested their endurance at the Jump Rope Competition...

...and raced for the victory at the soccer, rainbow, egg, basketball, and water relays:


Of course, the most popular stations would probably have to be the frozen treats and face painting centers:

The students also enjoyed boogying in the disco dance room with some suspiciously familiar faces...

Some of us even got a little wet in the water balloon toss:

We wrapped up a great day by showing off our hula skills at the hoop competition:

Most importantly, a TEXAS-SIZED thank-you to all of the parents and volunteers that helped us have another successful field day!  We couldn't do it without you!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Pennies for Patients

Congratulations to the students in our class who helped raised money for leukemia and lymphoma patients by saving and donating pennies.  Because of our donations, our class was entered in a raffle and won a free (and delicious) pasta party provided by Olive Garden!  We are so thankful to our counselors too who helped organize all of the details.  To read more about the awesome fundraising campaign sponsored by Olive Garden, please visit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's website at: