Monday, December 30, 2013

Gingerbread Guess-timation

We are so proud of Jeremy- December's Estimation Jar winner!  He had the most accurate estimate of the number of gingerbread men nestled in our jar this month.  We know he'll give the little guys a great new home!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Construction Site: Gingerbread Village Road Work Ahead!

This year our class celebrated the holidays in pure Gingerbread style!  In honor of our Gingerbread Man unit, the students used a variety of candies to decorate their own Gingerbread Houses (milk cartons covered in graham crackers).  The students worked so hard to add their own special flare to their creations, and the end result was an entire village full of mini houses!  Thank-you to all of the parents who donated supplies and helped us set up for the big day.  We appreciate you!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Santa Was Here!

We are happy to report that Jolly 'Ol Saint Nick did not forgot about the Terrace Timberwolves!  The students and I came in this morning to find that the stockings we hung had been filled by the big man himself!  One of my favorite moments of the year is seeing how excited our Kindergartners are on this special day...



Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hip, Hip, 'Boo-ray'!

This month, we are celebrating Georgia as our class' estimation sensation!  She had the closest estimation to the number of spooky Halloween peeps stuffed inside October's jar.  We loved her shirt too, which we thought was the perfect attire for the winning contender!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Author Spotlight

It's October and our Writer's Workshop is well underway.  This week, we had the treat of hearing from several authors who shared their newly finished books with us.  Angela, Logan, and Ani-jay did a great job including a beginning, middle, and end in their stories and facilitating the class discussion when asking their fellow students for 'comments, questions, and suggestions' in response to their writing.  The class did an amazing job giving our authors feedback too, and helped set the tone for a bright year of writing!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Super Savvy 'Sept-estimator'

Congratulations to Luke!   He correctly estimated the number of crayon erasers in September's estimation jar.  He also told our class that he practices counting with his dad, and we can see that his hard work has payed off!  Way to go buddy!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Terrace Tourists

September is the time of year when we take our little Kindergartners on a tour of their new school.  We meet the different authority figures on our campus, learn about their roles, and practice locating different points around the school.  This year, our Kindergartners had the extra treat of going behind the scenes in our school's cafeteria.  The students could not be more excited when our cafeteria manager, Mrs. Thompson, gave us a special hat to wear, and even took us into the heart of the freezer!  We learned all about healthy eating habits too, and Mrs. Thompson gave us a special booklet to take home.  A special thank-you to all of the cafeteria ladies who hosted our mid-day adventure, and who work so hard for us everyday!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome Kindergartners of 2013!

Dear New Friends,

I am so glad that you took the time to stop by and visit our class's blog!  We are very excited to share with you all of the learning that a new school year brings.

As you explore the blog, please comment onto this post any 'wishes' that you have for our class blog this year.  For instance, is there a particular unit of ours that you would like to see more information on, another Language/Arts math video that you would like posted to our 'Going Deeper' pages, or maybe an idea of how we can use the blog to showcase what our individual students are doing this year in class that makes them extra special?  I am open to all suggestions!

I am so excited to work with all of your families this year, and thank-you for sharing your Kindergartners with me!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer in Houston is Hot, Hot, Hot!

If you are looking for some free, fun-filled activities to do with your child this summer, please visit our new 'Summer Months' page.  You will find a list of things to do around Houston and, hopefully, will discover the perfect activity for you and your now almost- first grader!

Happy Trails!

Adios Amigos!

The students and I enjoyed a wonderful last day together!  After reading and finishing our Very Hungry Kindergartner books, partners raced wrapping each other in toilet paper cocoons and then we burst open as first grade butterflies!  

I am so proud of each and every one of the students, and will miss them terribly!  Wishing all of my students and families a safe, relaxing summer together...