Saturday, March 24, 2012

HEB Field Trip

We have been busy this month learning about farms and how they are a part of our daily lives.  As part of our investigations, our class took a walk to our neighborhood HEB grocery store to learn more about how farmers' products are taken to the market to be sold or made into other products. Ms. Jones and a few of her students also joined us for the trip.

We begin our journey hand in hand...

We arrived and received a special treat- an HEB Buddy crown!

Next, we took a tour of the different departments in the store.  We learned that there are seven:  deli, produce, market, seafood, dairy, bakery, and pharmacy.  During our stop in the produce section, we even got to play a special game!  We took turns guessing which fruit or vegetable was placed in our hands by using only our senses of touch and smell.  We also learned how to help our parents make healthy choices when we tag along for a trip to the market.

We were especially intrigued by the fresh delivery in the seafood department!

At the end of our adventure, our friends at HEB gave us a grocery sack filled with a fruit, coloring books and pages, stickers, and buddy bucks.  Our class also received a box of chocolate chip cookies from the bakery department that we enjoyed when we arrived back at school.

Kindergarten Rodeo

Kindergarten wrapped up an exciting cowboys unit with a Texas rodeo!  The students had a blast and the teachers did too!  We are also so thankful to our room mom for helping us make the big day extra special.  We spent the morning listening to cowboy tunes as we traveled around the Kindergarten wing with a different activity in every classroom.  Check out the pictures/videos below to see how we spent our day:

Boot Toss:  Our little cowboys stood behind the starting line and tried to toss cubes into a pair of cowboy boots.

Hat Hoppin':  We rolled a dice to find out how many 'hops' we could take across a hat mat.  We had to roll the exact number of hops we needed to make it off of the mat.

Hat Scramble:  The students raced to see who could order the hats from largest to smallest and vice versa the fastest!

Cowboy Fashion Photo Shoot:  the cowboys and cowgirls got to dress in the flashiest cowboy attire and pose with the rodeo props to have their picture taken.

Cactus Craft:  We glued tissue paper 'flowers' to cactus die cuts. 

Bull Roping:  we practiced roping a bull (a giant Teddy Bear with makeshift paper 'bull horns') with hula hoops.

Gold Diggers:  We used strainers to dig for 'gold' out of a sand table.

Horse Relay:  We practiced our galloping by racing down the Kindergarten hall!

Branding Cattle:  Each kindergarten class branded a class cow with the first letter of their name.

Graphing Horses:  We 'fished' for horses out of a water table and then graphed the results of our scoop.

We even had some dancers!

...and lots of hugs!