Monday, September 30, 2013

Terrace Tourists

September is the time of year when we take our little Kindergartners on a tour of their new school.  We meet the different authority figures on our campus, learn about their roles, and practice locating different points around the school.  This year, our Kindergartners had the extra treat of going behind the scenes in our school's cafeteria.  The students could not be more excited when our cafeteria manager, Mrs. Thompson, gave us a special hat to wear, and even took us into the heart of the freezer!  We learned all about healthy eating habits too, and Mrs. Thompson gave us a special booklet to take home.  A special thank-you to all of the cafeteria ladies who hosted our mid-day adventure, and who work so hard for us everyday!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome Kindergartners of 2013!

Dear New Friends,

I am so glad that you took the time to stop by and visit our class's blog!  We are very excited to share with you all of the learning that a new school year brings.

As you explore the blog, please comment onto this post any 'wishes' that you have for our class blog this year.  For instance, is there a particular unit of ours that you would like to see more information on, another Language/Arts math video that you would like posted to our 'Going Deeper' pages, or maybe an idea of how we can use the blog to showcase what our individual students are doing this year in class that makes them extra special?  I am open to all suggestions!

I am so excited to work with all of your families this year, and thank-you for sharing your Kindergartners with me!